Initiating a Gazebo simulation environment

Description: How to bring up a Gazebo world and load the AR100 in the simulation environment.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Setting up and launching a new map

The following tutorial demonstrates the process of initiating AR100 within a simulated environment. To follow along, make sure you have the AR100 repository available. Additionally, you can consult this installation guide for further assistance with setting up the necessary repositories.


  • Open a terminal and execute the following commands to configure Gazebo.

   1 # source the workspace
   2 source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  • The anscer_simulation includes a default world.
    • anscerWorld

  • The anscer world will be launched by default when the gazebo node is launched.

   1 roslaunch start_anscer start_anscer.launch
  • If you want to use another world, you can follow these steps:

   1 # Copy the file to this location
   2 roscd anscer_gazebo/world/
  • To update the path in the launch file, follow these steps:

   1 roscd anscer_gazebo/launch/
   2 vim anscer_gazebo
   3 # Replace "" with ""
   4 <arg name="world_name" value="$(find anscer_gazebo)/worlds/"/>
  • To move the robot, open a new terminal and launch the teleoperation package:
  • Control Your AMR!

    Moving around:






  • w : When you press the "w" key, it usually commands the AMR to move forward. This means the robot will start moving in the direction it is facing.

    a : Pressing the "a" key commands the AMR to turn or move to the left. It typically causes the robot to rotate left or move to the left while maintaining its orientation.

    space key, s : Pressing the "space" or "s" key is used to force stop the robot. It instructs the robot to come to a complete stop, halting all movement.

    d : The "d" key is used to command the AMR to turn or move to the right. It typically causes the robot to rotate right or move to the right while maintaining its orientation.

    x : The "x" key, as mentioned, is often used to command the robot to move backward.

   1 roslaunch anscer_teleop anscer_teleop_key.launch

Wiki: AnscerRobotics/AR100/Tutorials/Initiating a Gazebo simulation environment (last edited 2023-10-11 17:23:36 by AnscerRobotics)